Friday, November 26, 2010

WiLSoN's SHoRTS - Episode 4 ("Seriously")

Things get serious and take an unexpected turn when young BEaNS is in charge...careful!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

WiLSoN's Shorts - Episode 3

"Full of Beans" (:50)
A tribute to young Beans and his zippy energy.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

WILSoN's Shorts - Episode Two

A new video series featuring WiLSoN as he deals with the antics of his unsolicited feisty underling "Beans."

WILSoN'S SHoRTS - Episode One

A new video series featuring WiLSoN as he deals with the antics of his unsolicited feisty underling "Beans." (Graphic violence, No language)