Sunday, December 30, 2007

> HaNDSoMe UNCLe MaRTy <

WiLSoN'S Uncle Martin, seen here at an undisclosed location, enjoying some holiday bones. Loved by all who know him; known by all who love him.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

> GiRLY- PuSS? <

We think not. Secure in his own masculinity, WiLSoN tries out Zoe's new girly-pillow with no compunction.

Monday, December 24, 2007


WiLSON (not visible) enjoys Christmas Eve, as it coincides with Full Moon #46, brighter and higher in the sky than it will be until the year 2067, they say.

Friday, December 21, 2007

> IN HiS DREaMS... <

Close inspection of this famous work indicates that WiLSON added his little face through some form of trickery.

How did he do this? We may never know...

> LiTTLe WiLSoN <

A wayward but weary and wandering WiLSoN willfully wends his way home as the early darkness of solstice-time cuts short his daytime activties.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Just outside, a towering tree cuts an intricate and mighty silhouette against the ever darkening skies of December.

>SWeeT FaCE <

Wilson's snoozing face...bigger than life, and twice as beautiful.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

> CLiCK <

An unexplained surveillance capture of WiLSoN's nose.. Still under investigation: what set the camera off at this time, and what exactly WiLSoN was up to.


Zoe perceives the lights and colors as a possible threat, and runs all sorts of "doomsday scenarios" through her head!