Sunday, September 27, 2009

> PiLLoW TeST <

WiLSoN is seen here testing an extra large #6 pillow, with a resistance factor of .004521 , and a low fluff-to-cover ratio, with overall support action in the 4 to 5.5 range. This seems to be a good match for him.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

> FRoM A DiSTaNCe <

WiLSoN steps back from his latest delivery to us, and joins us in hoping that it is:
A) A harmless, common garden snake

B) Dead

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Crash," ThE ChiPMuNK

WiLSoN's little chipmunk pal "Crash" was hit by a car, but is undergoing psychedelic "rainbow therapy" and doing well.