Saturday, June 27, 2009


WILSoN is very interested in containers of all sorts, so when he sees a new bag on the premises, he looks into it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

> SoMETHiNG's AFooT <

A close view of
some of WiLSoN's
pink paw pad parts,
complete with
unidentified debris
from a recent outing.

> PuT YoUR WHoLE SeLF iN <

Here's a rare shot of WiLSoN and his Duck rehearsing their hilarious "Hokey-Pokey" dance routine.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

> AbouT To SPeAK...<

Often, while sitting amongst the greens, WiLSoN will start to offer a profound and meaningful observation, then he quickly reverts to acting like a "normal" cat and says nothing.

Monday, June 01, 2009

> ExHaUSTeD <

From time to time, it all becomes too much, and WILSoN falls into a deep and exhausted state, pondering the nature of existence and the existence of nature.