Thursday, February 09, 2006

Saturday, February 04, 2006

PoSiNG iN tHe SNoW

Cold Weather Makes his Nose get Pinker
This image uses an atypical triple-helix form wave length simulation in a scalar frame, inversely redirected and optically scaled so as to appear as a recognizable image, in this case a kitty. Note the pink nose.


All Living Things

Every intact indigenous culture has, at its root, a series of ceremonies whereby the people acknowledge their interconnectedness with the Earth.

We "moderns" are the first culture to have relegated these rituals to the realm of mumbo-jumbo and, in our enlightenment, proceed to dismember the Earth.

- Wo

Historical Artifact

It makes you wonder...

This photo, taken around 1951, shows a trio of young street punks from Larchmont, NY, aged 2, 5 and 8.
That's me on the left.

Part 3: Color and Light

Bottles & Mirrors

Have you seen my duck?

"I think it fell back here..."


A Bigger View
01513 63872 38350198 271 6653440 493 48883 75140971 04000 430000 1747 7829 7894105 637 36 505 0101 95 0187 671 8844 51 85 581 031345 9152067 3894711 0121655 2893098 2837640 1001029387 10181927 2783 4674784