Friday, December 26, 2008

> NeW BeGiNNiNGS <

As we bid a fond farewell to Christmas, WiLSoN believes the days ahead will bring more light and warmth.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


The view out the front door, as many big wheels grind to  a halt at this time of every year.   

"Now that the Solstice has passed, the days will get longer," thought WiLSON to himself...

Friday, December 19, 2008

> How Many WiLSoNs? <

As the Winter Solstice approaches, the myth of the GIANT WiLSoN haunts us all, as we seek warmth and light. How many WiLSoNs do you see here?

> It's NoT FuNNY <

...when all you have to keep warm in is a ridiculous looking fake fur igloo-bed made for small girly dogs.  Or maybe it is a little funny.  At least WiLSON appears warm.